Look, if I can take my CANNON-LIKE arms onto the beach, why not my other deadly weapons?
Read MorePetition: Let Me And My Family Open Carry At The Jersey Shore

Look, if I can take my CANNON-LIKE arms onto the beach, why not my other deadly weapons?
Read More"I do so know who Hitler is."
Read More“It never stops. Every evening I come in and there’s something new lying on the carpet."
Read MoreHillary, we see you.
Read MoreI’d received a job late one Thursday night, from the League of People with No Hair but Who Really Wish They Had Some. Trump was a hairless menace giving us a bad name with that rug, and he needed to be stopped...
Read MoreHo, there, son! Sit your little butt down.
Read MoreI am your friend, and I need you, and you aren't here.. I am sick in your absence. I am trying to be strong, but it is hard.
Read MoreThere's a few things they don't tell you when you become President.
Read MoreJoe Ryan, 21, has chosen to take one last class off to recover from the first presidential debate held at Hofstra University which concluded a little over three weeks ago
Read More5/5 Recipe
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