"What’s the big deal behind the whole thing, huh?"
Read MoreHot Dog?

"What’s the big deal behind the whole thing, huh?"
Read MoreWhat the professor did next was even more astonishing.
Read MoreLet me explain something to you, fool.
Read MoreThe best part of acquiring your little bundle of slimy grey mass is that you get to name the little goon! Make sure to keep it something close to its roots, but it can be as modern or classic as you wish it to be!
Read MoreNeil Degrasse Tyson Hero? Villain? …Thespian? With nipples like yams and a voice like the marshmallows one spreads atop, we just don’t know what to expect...
Read MoreThe long awaited Space Race was about to start. You know, THE Space Race. I’m talkin’ ships, and moondust, and cocaine filled Hollywood basements, baby! Yeah, that Space Race...
Read More...but goddamn it, you were exactly the 503 by 407 by 370 inKilometers that I needed in the summer of 1849.
Read More12:10 Sue Nonsense for printing that.
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